The Board Chairman for the Juaben Rural Bank, Nana Dr. Appiagyei Dankawoso I had revealed that the bank has seen a significant performance during the financial end of year 2023 with a profit after tax of Ghs4, 145,004 against Ghs3,774,192 in 2022, and Profit before taxation of Ghs5,298,885 and Ghs5,093,616- 4.03% in 2022.
Addressing shareholders during the bank’s Annual General Meeting, and 40th anniversary at Juaben in the Ashanti Region.
Nana Dr. Appiagyei Kwankawoso I, stated that shareholder dividend of Ghs 0.07 per share amounting to Ghs1.125,053, 2022 which is recommended to be paid to shareholders. The dividend proposed represent 27.14% of thevprofit after tax.
The Board Chairman told all and sundry emphasizing that, the bank has constributed immensely in the area of its corporate social responsibility by provided development to various communities as part of its Corporate Society Responsibility. During the period under review, Juaben Rural Bank PLC supported the activities of the following institutions/groups and individuals at a total cost of GHC105,000.00.
Juaben Rural Bank PLC on the Farmers’ Day Celebration, Juaben, Ejisu, Asokore Mampong, Bosome Freho, Old Tafo, Suame and Kwabre East District and Municipal Assemblies were supported. The bank has given scholarship to 6 students in the Education Sector: (Ghana Education Service-Afiagya Kwabre South, Ghana Education Service- Juaben, Juaben Senior High School, Global Community School, Juaben R/C Kindergarten, Ejisu Senior High/Technical School, Onwe Senior High School, Essienimpong Methodist School), Community Development (in support of the Juaben Daamang Landscaping project) as the bank’s corporate social support to these institutions and individuals.
Your Bank, according to Nana Dr. Appiagyei Kwankawoso I, remains hold on to its position on the Prestigious Club 100 Awards as the top hundred companies in the country at tue 20″ edition of the Ghana Club 100 ranking.
It’s worthy to note that the bank, Juaben Rural Bank PLC was adjudged the Chamber Rural Bank of the year 2023 at the 4″ Chamber Business Awards under the auspices of the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In the same vain, Nana Dr. Appiagyei Kwankawoso I announced to shareholders of the bank’s 40th anniversary celebrations indicated that, 40 years in the financial sctor still making strives, is a significant milestone deserves recommendation. Even though, the journey has not been all rosy, however, they have been able to surmount all the challenges came along and have braved the storm, and put in place pragmatic measures ensuring the growth and sustainability of the bank.
Celebrating the 40th anniversary under the theme “40 YEARS OF SUSTAINABLE BANKING”, was heightened across the Bank on the 24″ of October 2024 amidst the distribution of souvenirs and press soiree to highlight the achievements of the Bank.
Nana Dr. Appiagyei Kwankawoso I admitted that Juaben Rural Bank is much conscious of the environmental sustainability stewardship by recognizing its critical role in shaping a resilient future and has earmarked planting 40,000 trees in the next five years as it’s sacred duty of helping to combur global warming. This anniversary tree planting project has started and it is expected that the Bank take practical steps to ensure that the trees are properly maintained. Clean-up exercises were also undertaken at Pankrono, Tafo, and Ejisu in conjunction with the Municipal Assemblies to foster healthy environment