A concerned Youth Activities, polling agents, and some branch executives in the Bosomtwe District of the Ashanti Region have raised pertinent concerns that is said to have eminated from the constituency chairman and the 2024 parliamentary candidate of who to occupy the district chief executive position seems to he a worrying issue which may have the tendency of bringing disunit among the party when any of them annexed the DCE position.
The concerned youth activists raised key questions that may be a hindarance to the party and development of the Bosomtwe district when the DCE position is not given to a neutral person.
The factions that are emanating within party members in the constituency, are so serious and daring need not to fold hands. Hence, the party’s top hierarchy need to find lasting solution by nominating a neutral person from the constituency to amicable resolve the difference between the chairman and parliamentary candidate.
Read full concerns raised by the youth below:
*Critical Questions for the Future of Bosomtwe Constituency (The next DCE)*
As we navigate the complexities of our constituency’s development and the next District Chief Executive position, several critical questions demand our attention.
*Conflicts and Development*
1. *Conflicts between The Heads of the various Camps*: Are there conflicts or serious heated arguments between our constituency chairman (Yaw Berima) and our former parliamentary candidate (Hon. Abdullah Hamid)?
2. *Grudges among Camps*: Are there grudges among the various camps within the Bosomtwe constituency?
The answer to these questions is a resounding yes. But what implications do these conflicts have on our development within the constituency?
*The Impact on Development*
1. *Hindering Development*: Will these conflicts hinder development? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Each camp has the mindset of vindictive and discriminative plans against its opponent if one faction is considered as the next DCE.
*Factions and Camps*
1. *Hindering Unity*: Are there camps and factions within the constituency that are hindering development and unity? The answer is yes!
2. *Continuing Factions*: Are we willing to continue with these factions? The answer is no; we are not willing to continue with these factions.
*The Need for Neutrality*
1. *Neutral Leadership*: Do we need a neutral person to bring these people together, rebrand the face of our constituency, and ensure development cuts across? The answer is yes. A neutral leader can help bridge the gaps between factions and promote unity and development.
*The Ideal Candidate*
1. Do we need someone well-versed in local governance and decentralization, who is peaceful, neutral, respectful, development-minded, grassroots-focused, and has worked tirelessly for the party? The answer is yes.
*Aligning with John Mahama’s Vision*
According to John Mahama, the ideal candidate should be someone who is respectful, neutral, accountable, transparent, and can help achieve his vision within the next four years. His vision, as outlined in the Mahama 24-hour economy policy, aims to transform Ghana into a 24-hour economy, promoting economic growth, job creation, and improved living standards.
As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “All truths that are kept silent become poisonous.” *The hard truth is that there are serious problems between our Bosomtwe Constituency Chairman and the Fmr Parliamentary Candidate. I’m not the one saying it. We are all aware of this yet we pretend that everything is cool !* We must acknowledge this and work towards unity and development. Truths must always be told and revealed. Let us embrace transparency and honesty as we strive for a brighter future for our constituency, Bosomtwe!